
drumming techniques

What Kind of Drummer Do You Want to Be?


Considering taking up drumming? That's awesome! But before you start tapping away, it's important to think about something: What kind of drummer do you want to be? Take a moment to picture the kind of beats you want to create and the style of music you're drawn to. Your answer could shape your drumming journey and lead to some incredible experiences ahead! The Rock Drummer Imagine yourself as the fiery force driving the band forward, pounding out beats that set the stage on fire. If the thought of rocking out like drumming legends John Bonham from Led Zeppelin or Dave [...]

What Kind of Drummer Do You Want to Be?2024-04-22T18:40:09+01:00

The Moeller Method


The world of percussion is rich with techniques and methods designed to enhance musicians' abilities to produce rhythmic marvels. Among these, the Moeller Method is a testament to innovation and efficiency. Developed by renowned drummer Sanford A. Moeller, this method has become a cornerstone for drummers seeking to elevate their skills to new heights. A Brief History Sanford A. Moeller, born in 1867, was an American drummer and instructor whose impact on the world of percussion remains profound. He served as the principal percussionist for the John Philip Sousa Band, showcasing his exceptional talent and garnering recognition for his unique approach [...]

The Moeller Method2024-03-25T18:26:49+00:00


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