June 20, 2024

About the Author: Stefan Joubert

Stefan Joubert, manager of London Drum Institute, is passionate about adult music education. He believes that absolutely anyone can learn to play music; it is simply a matter of persistence in practice combined with excellent education.

Whether you are a beginner, intermediate, or seasoned drummer, returning to the basics can significantly enhance your skill set.

It might seem counterintuitive to revisit fundamental techniques when you’ve already advanced, but the truth is that even the most accomplished drummers need to periodically refine their basic skills.

Here’s why and how you should embrace this methodology!

Man playing drums

Why Go Back to Basics?

Foundation Strengthening

Just as a sturdy building requires a solid foundation, your drumming proficiency relies on strong basic skills. By revisiting fundamental techniques, you reinforce your foundational knowledge, ensuring that your advanced skills are built on solid ground. Strengthening your foundation makes you a more reliable drummer and gives you the confidence to tackle more complex rhythms and patterns. A strong foundation can prevent technical issues and allow for more seamless progression in your drumming journey.

Correction of Bad Habits

Over time, drummers can develop bad habits or sloppy techniques without realising it. Revisiting the basics helps identify and correct these issues, leading to cleaner, more precise playing.

For instance, improper stick grip or posture can lead to tension and fatigue, which might not be noticeable during casual playing but can become significant barriers during more demanding performances.

By consistently working on basics, you can maintain a high playing standard and avoid the pitfalls that come with bad habits.

Enhanced Control and Speed

Basic exercises like rudiments and simple rhythms are essential for developing control and speed. Drummers who excel at the basics can play more complex patterns with greater ease and fluidity.

When you master the fundamentals, you can accurately execute fast, intricate drumming patterns.

This control is crucial during live performances, studio recordings, and any situation where precision is paramount.

Enhanced control also means adapting quickly to different tempos and styles, making you a more versatile musician.


A strong grasp of basic techniques allows drummers to adapt to various styles and genres. By mastering the basics, you become a more versatile player, capable of adjusting your playing to suit different musical contexts.

Whether you’re playing jazz, rock, funk, or any other genre, having a solid command of basic techniques ensures that you can meet the demands of each style.

This versatility broadens your musical horizons and makes you a more attractive choice for collaborations and gigs.

Confidence Boost

Revisiting and mastering the basics can boost your confidence. Knowing you have a solid foundation can make tackling more challenging pieces less daunting.

Confidence is a key component of effective performance, and it often stems from a deep understanding and mastery of fundamental skills.

When you are confident in your basic techniques, you are more likely to take risks, experiment with new ideas, and perform with greater expression and creativity.

Woman practicing drums in studio

What Basics Should You Revisit?

Stick Control and Grip

Proper stick control and grip are crucial for efficient drumming. Revisit different grips (matched grip, traditional grip) and practise exercises that enhance stick control, such as single and double strokes.

Mastering stick control allows you to play with greater nuance and precision, whether you’re executing delicate ghost notes or powerful accents.

Practising different grips helps you find the most comfortable and effective way to hold your sticks, reducing the risk of injury and fatigue.


Drum rudiments are the building blocks of drumming. Spend time practising essential rudiments like paradiddles, flams, drags, and rolls.

These rudiments form the basis of many drumming patterns and fills.

By practising rudiments, you develop the muscle memory and coordination needed for more complex drumming.

Rudiments can be applied in countless ways across different styles and are a fundamental component of any well-rounded drummer’s skill set.

Timing and Tempo

Use a metronome to practise maintaining a consistent tempo. Start with simple beats and gradually increase the tempo.

Focusing on timing helps develop a strong internal clock, which is crucial for playing with other musicians.

Good timing is essential for creating a tight, cohesive sound with a band. Practising with a metronome also helps you stay on the beat during live performances, where maintaining a consistent tempo is critical.

Read our article 10 Tips to Improve Your Timing for more tips on improving your timing.

Posture and Ergonomics

Proper posture and ergonomics are often overlooked but are vital for preventing injury and ensuring long-term playability.

Ensure your drum kit is set up comfortably and that your posture promotes relaxation and ease of movement.

Good posture and ergonomics reduce strain on your body, allowing you to play for longer periods without discomfort.

This attention to physical well-being is crucial for both practice sessions and performances.

Basic Beats and Grooves

Revisit simple beats and grooves. Focus on playing them cleanly and consistently. Practise different styles, such as rock, jazz, and funk, to improve your versatility.

Mastering basic beats ensures you have a solid repertoire of patterns to draw from in various musical situations.

Clean, consistent execution of these beats provides a strong rhythmic foundation for any song, making you a reliable drummer in any ensemble.

Dynamic Control

Practice playing at various volume levels to improve your dynamic control. This skill is essential for musical expression and for fitting well within different musical contexts.

Being able to play softly or loudly with precision adds depth and emotion to your drumming.

Dynamic control allows you to respond to the nuances of the music and interact more effectively with other musicians, enhancing the overall musical experience.

Male drummer

How to Incorporate Basics into Your Practise

Warm-Up Routine

Start each practice session with basic exercises as a warm-up. This prepares your muscles and mind for more complex playing.

Warm-ups help prevent injury and ensure that your body is ready for the demands of drumming.

They also serve as a mental transition, focusing your attention on the task at hand and setting a positive tone for your practice session.

Dedicated Practise Time

Allocate a portion of your practice time specifically to basic techniques. Even just 15-20 minutes a day can make a significant difference over time.

Consistency is key when it comes to mastering the basics.

Regular, focused practice on fundamental skills leads to gradual, sustainable improvement, making you a more proficient and confident drummer.

Use a Metronome

Incorporate a metronome into your practice to improve your timing and consistency. Start slow and gradually increase the speed as you become more comfortable.

Practising with a metronome helps you develop a strong sense of timing and ensures that your playing remains steady and precise, even at faster tempos.

This skill is invaluable for both solo practice and playing with others.

Seek Feedback

Take lessons or seek feedback from a more experienced drummer or teacher if possible.

They can provide valuable insights and help identify areas where you can improve your basics.

Constructive feedback helps you stay on track and ensures you practice correctly.

A knowledgeable mentor can offer guidance, suggest effective exercises, and help you overcome specific challenges.

Record Yourself

Recording your practice sessions allows you to objectively assess your playing. Listen back to identify areas for improvement in technique and timing.

Self-recording provides a clear, unbiased perspective on your drumming, making it easier to pinpoint strengths and weaknesses.

It also serves as a valuable tool for tracking your progress over time.

Man playing drums

Back to Basics!

No matter how experienced you are, returning to the basics is a vital and exciting part of your drumming journey.

Regularly improving your basic skills keeps your drumming precise, versatile, and full of expression.

Embrace the basics, and you’ll discover they are the key to unlocking your full potential as a drummer.

Whether you’re just starting or have been playing for years, the basics are the foundation of your drumming skills.

Dive into the fundamentals, and watch your drumming reach new heights!

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